Pinangat na Hiwas (Pangat na Isda)

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  • 500g hiwas fish (chabeta or bilong bilong)
  • 5 medium tomatoes, sliced
  • 100g tamarind + 1 cup water
  • 2 cups water
  • 2 tbsp fish sauce
  • 1 bundle talbos ng camote leaves (remove large stems)


  1. Boil tamarind in 1 cup water. Squeeze out juice from tamarind using a fork and strainer and mix the juice in the water it was boiled in.
  2. Arrange the tomato slices in a wide pot or pan. Put the fish on top of the tomatoes.
  3. Pour in the tamarind juice and water. Drizzle with fish sauce.
  4. Cook in medium heat and bring to a boil. Add talbos ng kamote leaves.
  5. Simmer until fish is cooked through.

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