Christmas Fruit Cake

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  • 300 gms assorted dried local fruits
  • 100 gms glazed fruit mix
  • 100 gms raisins
  • 80 gms glazed kaong
  • 50 gms orange peel
  • 1 c rum (used for fruit soaking)
  • 50 gms cashew nuts / Pili nuts
  • 1/2 c dayap rind
  • 180 gms all-purpose flour
  • 2 t cinnamon
  • 150 gms butter
  • 120 gms brown sugar
  • 3 pcs whole eggs
  • 1 jigger rum (for brushing)


  1. Combine glazed fruits, dried fruits, raisins, kaong and peel.
  2. Soak the fruits in rum for one week.
  3. Beat the butter and sugar in a mixing bowl, until light and fluffy. Add the eggs slowly on a medium speed beat.
  4. Sieve the flour and spices together. Add the flour gradually on a low speed.
  5. After one week, drain the fruits and dust with a little flour. Add this to the flour mixture.
  6. Give the mixture a final turn with clean hands to mix thoroughly.
  7. Transfer mixture into two lined baked pans.
  8. When desired weight is required, weigh accordingly and place mixture in the right baking pan.
  9. Bake in 300° F oven for two hours. Brush cake with one jigger of rum.
  10. Wrap in foil and let age for one week before consuming.

Credits to:; Rose Bakes