Turon Malagkit of Sultan Kudarat

Photo Credits: m.facebook.com/romela.andan.5

Have you tried Lebak, Sultan Kudarat Turon Malagkit? It’s a new take of the traditional turon. You can also add langka and ube for variety. You gotta try it, ultimate turon ever!


  • ½ kilo sticky/glutinous rice or malagkit
  • 1/2 kilo brown sugar
  • 1 cup coco milk
  • Turon wrapper
  • Oil for frying


  1. Cook the malagkit with the coco milk.
  2. Put it in a bowl and let cool.
  3. Get a spoonful of the cooked malagkit and dip/coat it in brown sugar.
  4. Begin shaping and wrapping it with the turon wrapper. You can add ripe langka or ube for additional flavors or variety.
  5. Continue the process until your desired number of turon pieces.
  6. Over low-medium heat, put a minimum amount of oil in a pan.
  7. Make sure that the oil is hot before putting a tablespoon of brown sugar.
  8. When the sugar starts to float, add the wrapped pieces and start frying.
  9. Do not overcook.
  10. Finally, drain the turon to remove excess oil & serve with gladness.
  11. Hot or cold, turon malagkit is the best!

Credits to: m.facebook.com/Sarap-Rasa-Pinas