How to make delicious home-made salted eggs. Here are the instructions on how to make homemade salted eggs

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Here are the instructions on how to make homemade salted eggs


  • 1 dozen eggs (duck or chicken)
  • 500 grams cooking salt
  • four cups of water
  • 1 big glass container with lid.


  1. Pour the cooking salt and water into a pot and boil.
  2. Stir until all the salt has dissolves and keep boiling until you see lots of salt crystals start to form on the side of the pot. This means the salt water has reached a saturation point and the salt has started to crystallize.
  3. Remove pot from heat and let the salt water cool to room temperature.
  4. Put the eggs in the glass container.
  5. Slowly pour in the salt water and salt crystals until all the eggs are submerged in the water.
  6. Cover the container with the lid and leave it in a cool dark place.
  7. If you prefer less salty eggs, you can take out one egg to test after three weeks.
  8. Boil the salted egg in water for ten minutes until it is hard-boiled.
  9. Remove the shell and taste to see if it is salty enough to your liking.
  10. If not, leave the eggs in the container for another week or two.
  11. Remove the salted eggs from the salt water and store them in the refrigerator until they are ready for use in any of your dishes.

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