Photo Credits: m.facebook.com/unsaylamisacebu

TUSLOB BUWA – this has got to be the most unique food item that Cebu has to offer. It is very popular dish  in Cebu, an exotic food that have a combination of spices, aromatic flavors and of course, the main ingredient is pig’s brain. It sounds like weird when there is pig brains but once you have tasted it. It delicious and it is perfect match with “Puso” ( rice wrapped and boiled in a triangular casing made of woven coconut leaves.)  also called as Hanging Rice.


  • 1/8 kilo pigs brain or utok sa baboy
  • 1/8 kilo pig liver or atay sa baboy (blender to crush) or liver spread.
  • 1 clove garlic (minced)
  • 1 onion (minced)
  • salted shrimp
  • water
  • butter or oil
  • cornstarch diluted with water


  1. Saute garlic and onion in oil.
  2. Add  pig’s brain (utak) and the blended pork liver, stir continuously.
  3. Add the salted shrimp, season with salt and pepper.
  4. Add water, para molapot og mobuwa og maayo.
  5. Add diluted cornstarch. Simmer
  6. Turn off heat. Serve with puso (hanging rice) and enjoy!

Pusô (Hanging Rice)


  • young coconut leaves (These leaves are taken from the top of the coconut tree. They are unopened, yellow, and soft. )
  • rice


  1. Begin weaving the puso basket using the young coconut leaves. Please click on the picture for steps in weaving the basket.
  2. Fill the basket with raw, dry, unwashed rice, about one-thirds full.
  3. Make as many pusô as needed. Tie all the pusô together in a bundle and immerse all the puso in a large pot of boiling water. Boil for 30 minutes.
  4. Slice pusô in half then serve.

Credits to: m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=853069594708076&id=100000151311160 ; lutongpinoy.info/puso-hanging-rice