Photo Credits: yasalamcooking.com

In Saudi Arabia, this bread is referred to as tameez, in Palestine taboon and in Iran tandoor. This bread is typically made inside of a brick oven which is heated by hot coals. When the bread is ready to cook they just smack it up against the wall which it sticks to and cooks. These same ovens are also what kabobs are cooked in. My little one loves this bread and can eat an entire piece all by himself so I tend to make it at home during the week when my husband is not around to buy it for us.

Tameez is typically eaten with foul, kiri cheese or lentils and is extremely cheap around sr1-2 which is the equivalent of 25 or 50 cents. Not only is it cheap, but it tastes great so a lot of people will have this for a late night snack especially during Ramadan. When I first started trying to make this bread at home it was difficult and never came out the way that I wanted, but I have since learned a new trick that I have to say is a must for preparing this at home.

You will need to make what I call a hot box. I use an small electric oven that I bought from here. I turn the heat up as high as it will go, place the tray all the way to the bottom rack and take an iron skillet and place it on the tray upside down. Allow everything to get hot for at least 15 minutes and when you’re ready place the bread on the skillet bottom and allow to cook. It will be bubbly and brown on the top, you will know. It does not take that long, maybe 5 minutes, so stay near the oven and watch it.


  • 2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon yeast
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2-2/3 cups water
  • Olive oil


  1. In a small bowl, add yeast, sugar and 4 tablespoons of very warm water. Allow to sit for 5 minutes until frothy.
  2. In a large bowl, add flour, salt, and yeast mixture. Carefully add water a small amount at a time until you get a dough consistency. Add a small amount of oil onto hands and carefully rib outside of dough (do not work in). Place back into bowl, cover with a towel and sit in a warm place for 1 hour.
  3. Turn oven on high, place iron skillet upside down and allow to warm for at least 15 minutes on high heat. On a nonstick baking mat lightly floured half the dough and form into a round with your fingers. Do not allow to be too thick since it will rise in the oven. Dough round should be about 1/4 inch thick. Prick all over the top with a fork, then quickly place dough on top and allow to cook until top bubbles and is brown.

Yields: 2 large or 4 small

Credits to: yasalamcooking.com